• Datum: 27.01.2021
  • Land:Honduras
  • Kategorie:LAV-Publikationen

LAV and COHEP sign a MoU

The LAV proudly announces the signing of the MoU with the Honduran Council of Private Enterprise (COHEP) during the web conference about…

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The LAV proudly announces the signing of the MoU with the Honduran Council of Private Enterprise (COHEP) during the web conference about sustainable growth in Honduras.

Besides the pandemic Honduras got hit by several hurricanes during last year. We want to establish a long-term, trustful, and mutual relationship between Germany and Honduras with the goal of international understanding and improvement of the living conditions.

Our aim is to promote the business opportunities for German entrepreneurs in that region, which is much too often not in the focus of the international economy. Honduras has great opportunities, for example the export of food (mainly natural oils and greases) as well as the import of (petro-) chemicals, automotive parts or machinery and electronics. Of course, the German market is as well a great opportunity for Honduran entrepreneurs, especially the exchange of know-how regarding renewable energies and sustainability.

We clearly want to contribute our part in showing Honduras to the German and European market with the aim of contributing to international understanding.