The Association for Latin America (LAV) is the networking and information platform for German companies with business interests in Latin America.
The Association for Latin America
The Lateinamerika Verein e.V. (LAV), which was established in 1916 by merchants from Hamburg and Bremen, is the networking and information platform for German companies with business interests in Latin America.
We help companies from all sectors to establish and expand their business activities in Latin America and the Caribbean. In addition, we promote economic, political and social relations between Germany and the countries in the region.
A knowledge transfer and the formation of opinions count among our core tasks. We contribute our recognized expertise – and that of our members – to economic discussions on Latin America. Moreover, we promote and initiate professional movements, bring industry players from both sides together, reinforce contact between decision-makers, and constitute an integral component of the Latin America Initiative of German Business (LAI).
Among our members are companies from both Germany and Latin America – from medium-sized enterprises to global corporations. Associations and public institutions are as much a part of the LAV network as individuals. The board of directors and the executive committee of the LAV is composed of managers and board directors of our member companies.
Find out more about our services and about becoming a member of the LAV