Orlando Baquero
Orlando Baquero, Diplom Kaufmann (Universität Hamburg). Geboren in Bogotá, Kolumbien, führte ihn sein beruflicher Werdegang über verschiedene Unternehmen der Nahrungsmittel- und Pharmaindustrie sowie des Agrarprodukthandels in mehrere Länder Lateinamerikas und nach Deutschland. Er ist Mitglied des Vorstandes der ELArb European-Latinamerican Arbitration Association und Hauptgeschäftsführer des LAV.
Ulrike Göldner
Deputy Managing Director / Regional Manager for Brazil, Dominican Republic and Cuba
Ulrike Göldner, MA in Latin American Studies/Musicology (FU/HU Berlin), worked at the Brazilian Cultural Institute ICBRA and co-founded the bilingual magazine BRAZINE. She founded and ran the Agency for Information and Cultural Exchange Brazil-Germany ACIBRA.
Rebeca Mendonça studied biology in Brazil and Germany and completed her Master's degree in "International Agriculture Sciences" at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. She worked for many years at the DAAD, Rio de Janeiro office, as a coordinator and was responsible for the DAAD PhD scholarship program, as well as for the organization of various DAAD marketing events.
Friederike Rennecke studied journalism at Hanover University of Applied Sciences and Arts and is doing a Master's degree in Latin American Studies at the University of Hamburg. She gained practical journalistic experience at the Argentinisches Tageblatt and la Izquierda Diario in Buenos Aires as well as at the ARD foreign studio in Rio de Janeiro. Most recently, she worked as a digital editor at dpa-infocom.
Marcela Melo
Regional Manager for Columbia, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru
Marcela Melo, born in Bogota, Colombia, studied International Relations and Psychology at Rosario University in her hometown. She also holds a Master's degree in Peace Research and Security Policy from the University of Hamburg. Previously, she worked as an assistant to the director of the EU-LAC Foundation and was involved in various projects to deepen multilateral relations between the European Union and Latin America..
Bettina Sieveking
Tonatiuh Velázquez
Regional Manager for Mexico and Central America
He graduated with a B.A In international relations by the university of Baja California in Tiuana, Mexico. He holds an International double degree M.A. in peace and conflict studies by the university of Kent in Great Britain and Philips Universität in Germany. He worked at the Mexican embassy in Ankara and Berlin. In addition, he has been a university lecturer in both Mexico and Germany teaching courses in the areas of intercultural management, global politics, international business, among others.
Mélissa Bigdely
Regional Manager for Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile and Haiti / Coordination of the LAV-Young Professionals
Mélissa Bigdely studied "International Relations & Spanish and Latin American Studies" at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland and spent a year abroad in Guadalajara (Mexico), where she studied at ITESO. Additionally, she completed a Master's degree in "International Development Studies" at the Universiteit van Amsterdam. In Mexico she participated in development projects (Human Rights and Indigenous Populations in particular) and worked together with the non-governmental organization CEPAD. Previously, she made an internship at GIZ in the Latin America and Caribbean Department and assisted in the portfolio management of South American countries.