Länder Informationen



8.515.770 km²




Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva


208,49 million


Ulrike Göldner

Deputy Managing Director / Regional Manager Brazil, Cuba and the Dominican Republic


+49 (0) 40 413 43 145

Economic data

Basic data 2021 2022 2023
GDP growth in % - Central Bank/IBGE 4,5% 2,8% 0,9%
Industrial growth - Central Bank 3,8% -0,5% (Jul) -
Export - Ministry Development, Industry, Trade US$ 280 billion US$ 334,1 billion -
Import - Ministry Development, Industry, Trade US$ 219 billion US$ 272,6 billion -
Interest Rate - Central Bank 9,25% 13,75% 12,75%
Exchange rate US$ / BRL - Central Bank 5,50 5,15 (Sep) 4,86 (Sep)
Exchange rate €/BRL - Central Bank 6,19 5,17 (Sep) 5,19 (Sep)
Inflation - Central Bank 10,06% 8,73% (Sep) 5,19% (Oct)
Unemployment- IBGE/Central Bank 11,6% 10,5% 8,2%
Foreign direct investments US$ 58 billion US$ 91,5 billion -
Foreign exchange reserves US$ 355 billion US$ 316 billion (Jul) US$ 344 billion (Aug)
Public debt 80,3% of GDP 85,9% of GDP -

Foreign Trade

Import products: Mineral fuels and oils, Electrical machinery, Vehicles
Import partner: China, USA

Export products: Soybeans, Crude Petroleum, Iron Ore
Export partner: China, USA


P = Prediction
Update: 10.01.2021
Sources: Banco Central, CNI, IBGE, OECD, MDIC


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Berichte & Analysen

  • Datum: 09.12.2020
  • Land:Brasilien
  • Kategorie:Berichte & Analysen

Gtai: Optimismus in Brasilien flaut ab

Auch in Brasilien steigen die Coronazahlen wieder an. Zudem beeinträchtigt die Verschlechterung der Staatsfinanzen die wirtschaftliche…

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Auch in Brasilien steigen die Coronazahlen wieder an. Zudem beeinträchtigt die Verschlechterung der Staatsfinanzen die wirtschaftliche Erholung. Ein Bericht der GTAI zu Brasiliens aktuelle Wirtschaftssituation und Ausblick inklusive Beschreibung und Perspektiven einzelner Branchen.
Lesen Sie hier den vollständigen Gtai-Bericht.

  • Datum: 06.11.2020
  • Land:Brasilien
  • Kategorie:Berichte & Analysen

KAS Brasilien: Brasilianische Umweltpolitik im Licht von Wahlen und Handelsfragen

Während der anhaltende Anstieg der Entwaldung in der ersten Jahreshälfte angesichts der alles überlagernden Corona-Krise kaum registriert…

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Während der anhaltende Anstieg der Entwaldung in der ersten Jahreshälfte angesichts der alles überlagernden Corona-Krise kaum registriert wurde, führen alarmierende Nachrichten über Brände im Amazonasgebiet und dem Pantanal der brasilianischen Öffentlichkeit nun wieder schonungslos die Dringlichkeit der Umweltproblematik vor Augen. Auch auf dem internationalen Parkett – insbesondere im Hinblick auf das EU-Mercosul-Handelsabkommen, aber selbst im US-Präsidentschaftswahlkampf – spielt der Erhalt des brasilianischen Regenwalds eine Rolle.

Den vollständigen Bericht lesen Sie hier.

  • Datum: 13.10.2020
  • Land:Brasilien
  • Kategorie:Berichte & Analysen

GTAI: Ein Land kämpft sich durch

Die Regierungsmaßnahmen verschaffen den Unternehmen zwar kurzfristig Erleichterung in der Corona-Krise. Doch im Lieferkettenmanagement…

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Die Regierungsmaßnahmen verschaffen den Unternehmen zwar kurzfristig Erleichterung in der Corona-Krise. Doch im Lieferkettenmanagement steigen die Herausforderungen aufgrund der drastischen Abwertung und hohen Volatilität des brasilianischen Reals. Zudem drohen je nach Sektor strukturelle Veränderungen in lokalen Zuliefer- und Abnehmerbranchen. In jedem Fall gilt: Das Brennglas Coronakrise zwingt Unternehmen in Brasilien zum Umdenken. Trotzdem: Um die Wirtschaft zu stabilisieren, setzt Wirtschaftsminister Paulo Guedes vor allem auf den Erhalt von Arbeitsplätzen. Das erkennen die Unternehmen an.

Den vollständigen Bericht lesen Sie hier.

  • Datum: 02.10.2020
  • Land:Brasilien
  • Kategorie:Berichte & Analysen

Itaú: Brasilien Macroeconomic Research

Economic Outlook September 2020Brazil: there are lingering uncertainties surrounding the fiscal risk. Primary budget deficits of 11.7% of…

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Economic Outlook September 2020
Brazil: there are lingering uncertainties surrounding the fiscal risk. Primary budget deficits of 11.7% of GDP in 2020 and 2.5% of GDP in 2021. Next year's deficit includes higher social spending, partially offset by tax increases. Economic activity continues to recover from the sharp declines registered earlier in the pandemic. GDP forecasts at -4.5% for 2020 and +3.5% for 2021.

Further information are available in the appendix.

  • Datum: 07.08.2020
  • Land:Brasilien
  • Kategorie:Berichte & Analysen

Veirano Advogados: Liberalization, Regulation and Scale - Making Sense of the New Basic Sanitation Law in Brazil for Foreign Investors

Excellent discussion of goals and mechanisms of the the New Basic Sanitation Law designed to attract foreign investment to water supply and…

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Excellent discussion of goals and mechanisms of the the New Basic Sanitation Law designed to attract foreign investment to water supply and sewage projects in Brazil. There is given an insight on how the federal government expects to, with market liberalization regulation and scale-up incentives, attract new market players to bridge the US$150 billion investment gap in water and sewage services in the country. Speakers gave their state of the art information on the matter, such as the Head of Public-Private Partnerships Department at BNDES, a Specialist from LAV-Associate Company Veirano Advogados for Infrastructure & Projects practice and the Director of AEGEA Saneamento e Participações S.A, a Brazilian sanitation company controlled by the Equipav Group with business in 47 municipalities and nine states across Brazil. The company serves as a sanitation concessionaire, operating across the whole water management value chain —supply and wastewater disposal and treatment—and serving more than 3.5 million people. 
The full recording is available here!


Eine exklusive wöchentliche Zusammenstellung der Pressestimmen finden Sie bei uns im Mitgliederbereich.


  • Datum: Vom 14.07.2021 bis 14.07.2021
  • Land:Brasilien
  • Kategorie:Termine

Apex: Brazil Oil & Gas Bidding Rounds 2021

Apex Brazil invites you to its "Program Brazil Oil & Gas Bidding Rounds 2021" on July 14th, 2021 10:00 Brazil is the new frontier of E&P…

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Apex Brazil invites you to its "Program Brazil Oil & Gas Bidding Rounds 2021" on

July 14th, 2021 10:00

Brazil is the new frontier of E&P investment opportunities in the Oil & Gas sector. Want to know how to participate in this year's upcoming bidding rounds?

Join us for a webinar to learn more about the calendar and interact directly with specialized Brazilian authorities from: Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME); National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP); Energy Research Office (EPE) and Pré-Sal Petróleo (PPSA). Keynote speakers will cover especially the 2nd Transfer of Rights Surplus Production Sharing that includes the development areas of Sépia and Atapu, in the Santos Basin, one of the best business offers in Brazil.


  • Opening Remarks by Augusto Pestana, President Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil);
  • Bento Albuquerque, Minister Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) 10:20 Panel: E&P Investment Opportunities – 2021 Bidding Round The 2nd Transfer of Rights Surplus Production Sharing;
  • Bruno Eustáquio de Carvalho, Deputy Executive Secretary Ministry of Mines and Energy;
  • Jose Mauro Ferreira Coelho, Secretary of Oil, Natural Gas and Biofuels Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME);
  • Osmond Coelho, Director of Contract Management Pré-Sal Petróleo (PPSA);
  • Dirceu Amorelli, Director National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP);
  • Heloisa Borges Esteves, Director of Studies in Oil, Gas and BioFuels Energy Research Office (EPE):
  • 11:00 Questions & Answers.

Take this unique opportunity, check the program and register here.
For further questions please contact europe (at) apexbrasil.com.br

  • Datum: Am 07.07.2021
  • Land:Uruguay
  • Branche:Energie
  • Kategorie:Termine

Webinar: "Market introduction: Hot topics on renewable energy in South America"

Rödl & Partner, and German Professional Services Alliance (GPSA) cordially invite you to our fifth English-speaking web conference on…

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Rödl & Partner, and German Professional Services Alliance (GPSA)cordially invite you to our fifth English-speaking web conference on Wednesday,

July 7, 2021 at
09:00am Colombia | 11:00am Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay | 10:00am Chile | 4:00pm CEST.


After a series of events on overview themes in several South American countries, we now cordially invite you to participate in this industry-specific webinar on the regional Renewable Energy market.

We invite you to participate in this mega event with a panel of experts in different areas, this time in a different format: we will separate countries by workshop rooms and you will have 5 industry and country options to participate and interact with our panelists after their presentations. And don't worry, if you are interested in participating in more than one theme, all 5 rooms will be recorded and the recordings will be shared to watch the seminar after the event.


WELCOME: Philipp Klose-Morero, Rödl & Partner Brazil & GPSA Regional Manager – South America and Rafael Martins, Rödl & Partner Brazil

INTRO: Orlando Baquero, Lateinamerika Verein e.V. (LAV) and Inga Söllner, Energie Agentur-NRW

GENERAL PRESENTATION: Anton Berger, Rödl & Partner Germany

GENERAL MODERATION: Tamiris Borba, Rödl & Partner & GPSA EA to Regional Manager



  • Dr. Jorge Martínez Garreiro, Instituto de Ingeniería Química University
  • Horacio Pintos, CSU | Member of GPSA


  • Marcio Oliveira, Messer Gases Brasil
  • Alessandro Colucci, AHK Brasil


  • David Pena Wilches, Siemens
  • Alexander von Bila, Von Bila, de la Pava & Bertoletti | Member of GPSA


  • Walter Marin, Fast Power Trading Ltd.
  • Cristian Elbert, ECIJA GPA | Member of GPSA
  • Octavio Zenarruza, ECIJA GPA | Member of GPSA


  • Peter Peter Bettin, Sybac LATAM; Pabettin GmbH
  • Felipe Ernst, BETZ Legal Partners | Member of GPSA

The event is free of charge and will take place in English language and supportes by LAV - Association for Latin America, Energie Agentur NRW and AHK Mercosul. We are looking forward to seeing you!

Please register here.


  • Datum: Am 07.07.2021
  • Land:Brasilien
  • Kategorie:Termine


Rödl & Partner and German Professional Services Alliance (GPSA) cordially invite you to their fifth English-speaking web conference on…

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Rödl & Partner and German Professional Services Alliance (GPSA) cordially invite you to their fifth English-speaking web conference on
Wednesday, July 7, 2021 at 09:00am Colombia | 11:00am Brazil, Argentina | 10:00am Chile | 4:00pm CET

After a series of events on broad themes in several Latin American countries, we now invite you to participate in this theme-specific Webinar on Renewable Energy, focusing mainly on Latin American and European countries. Sustainable development is definitely THE hot topic of the moment ; after all, renewable energy contributes to the economic development of countries, generating jobs and technological innovations with a lower environmental impact.

We invite you to participate in this mega-event with a panel of experts in different areas, this time in a different format: we will separate countries by rooms and you will have 5 theme options to participate and interact with our panelists after their presentations.

And don't worry, if you are interested in having knowledge in more than one theme, all 5 rooms will be recorded and will be shared to watch the seminar after the event.


Philipp Klose-Morero, Rödl & Partner & GPSA Regional Manager–South America


Orlando Baquero, Lateinamerika Verein e.V. (LAV) and Inga Söllner, EnergieAgentur - NRW


Rafael Martins, Rödl & Partner Brasil and Tamiris Borba, Rödl & Partner & GPSA EA to Regional Manager



Cristian Elbert, ECIJA GPA | Member of GPSA
Octavio Zenarruza, ECIJA GPA


Alessandro Colucci, AHK Brasil
Scott Latta, Messer Gases Brasil


Felipe Ernst, BETZ Legal Partners | Member of GPSA
Peter Peter Bettin, Sybac LATAM; Pabettin GmbH


Alexander von Bila, Von Bila, de la Pava & Bertoletti | Member of GPSA
Christian Llüll, ABO Wind
David Pena Wilches, Siemens


Horacio Pintos, CSU | Member of GPSA
Dr. Jorge Martínez Garreiro, Instituto de Ingeniería Química University
The event is free of charge and will take place in English language.

We are looking forward to seeing you!

  • Datum: Vom 29.06.2021 bis 30.06.2021
  • Land:Brasilien
  • Kategorie:Termine

Brazilian Virtual Aeronautics and Space Trade Mission to Bremen

Brazil is Latin America’s top performer in the aeronautics and space industry, developing complex and advanced technologies and employing a…

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Brazil is Latin America’s top performer in the aeronautics and space industry, developing complex and advanced technologies and employing a highly qualified workforce. Brazilian companies are involved in all stages of aeronautic and space activities, including design & development, manufacturing, production, technology, sales, customer support, and aerospace services.

Between 29 – 30 June 2021, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour, and Europe in co-operation with the industry network AVIASPACE BREMEN e.V. will welcome Brazilian aeronautics and space companies and institutions to the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen. The Brazilian project partners are the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil) and the São José dos Campos Technology Park – PqTec - (One of the largest innovation and entrepreneurship complexes in Brazil). The visit will take place via an interactive virtual tour. The event promises to help promote business contacts and cooperation between aeronautics and space companies in Brazil and Bremen. Guests will be invited to go on virtual company tours, listen to presentations from industry leaders, meet and mingle during B2B Matchmaking as well as take part in discussions on current projects and future business opportunities.

Sector Highlights:

  • Brazilian company Embraer is one of the world’s largest commercial airplane manufacturer and leader in the regional aviation segment
  • Since 2019, foreign companies can own up to 100% of the capital of Brazilian domestic airlines
  • Brazil holds the Alcantara Base, the closest launch center to the equator in the world
  • Brazil’s exports in the segment maintain a USD 5.5 billion/year average

Further Information here. Participation slots are limited.

Apex-Brasil Europe Office
E-Mail: guarani.morais(at)apexbrasil.com.br

  • Datum: Am 24.06.2021
  • Land:Brasilien
  • Kategorie:Termine

Webinarreihe: Brasilien - Der vielversprechendste Öl- & Gasmarkt der Gegenwart / Brasil: O mercado mais interessante de Petróleo & Gás da atualidade

Dieses Webinar ist Teil der Veranstaltung: Geschäftsmöglichkeiten und nachhaltige Entwicklung im brasilianischen Energiemarkt: Vom boomenden…

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Dieses Webinar ist Teil der Veranstaltung: Geschäftsmöglichkeiten und nachhaltige Entwicklung im brasilianischen Energiemarkt: Vom boomenden Öl- & Gassektor zur aussichtsreichen Energiewende

Die AHK Rio und das Global Cluster for Oil and Gas präsentieren mit Unterstützung vom LAV, VDMA und Apex Brasil, eine noch nie da gewesene Serie von sieben Veranstaltungen im Ramen eines virtuellen Seminarformats. In Gegenwart von Experten und Behörden wird der Ö- und Gassektor Brasiliens bewertet und seine Perspektiven und Trends aufgezeigt.

4. Webinarreihe: Brasilien - Der vielversprechendste Öl- & Gasmarkt der Gegenwart / Brasil: O mercado mais interessante de Petróleo & Gás da atualidade
24. Juni / Junho - 14:00 - 15:30 (CET) | 09:00 - 10:30 (BRT)

Moderação: Cristina Pinho, Diretora Executiva Corporativa, IBP – Instituto Brasileiro de Petróleo e Gás, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Abertura: Rodolfo Saboia, Diretor-Geral, Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis – ANP, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

1ª Apresentação - Plano Estratégico da Petrobras 2021-2025: Roberto Furian Ardenghy, Diretor Institucional e de Sustentabilidade, Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
• Desinvestimentos do Pré-Sal nas Bacias de Santos & Campos
• Programa de desinvestimento de ativos não essenciais (midstream & downstream)
• Transição energética

2ª Apresentação - Wintershall Dea: Como a Transição Energética Influencia Investimentos e Inovação - Valerie Bosse, Vice Presidente Sênior e Diretora Administrativa, Wintershall Dea, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

10h10 - Sessão de perguntas e respostas

Anmeldung erfolgt über folgenden Link. Weitere Informationen hier. Anbei das Programm auf Deutsch und Portugiesisch